The speeches of Day Three's DNC were good. Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden, and John Kerry did well at setting the stage for Barack Obama. But, it's time for some "fighting words." As a registered Independent, who has consistently voted Democrat in presidential elections (voted for Ralph Nader in '04), I grow weary of Democratic candidates taking the high road...especially when more aggressive speech is appropriate.
People are hurting! ...and we have been hurting for the last eight years. I moved to Washington, D.C. in the Fall of 2001 (at the age of 23) to pursue graduate education in the Nation's Capital. The attacks of September 11th occured one month after I moved to the city. From that time until now, I have lived on meager income...and struggled with poverty. Of course, most of that time I was in graduate school...but in the two years since I finished my graduate education, decent salaries and healthcare have still been hard to come by.
Now, consider this, I have more education than most people on the job market, and yet I've endured (and am still enduring) tough times in the job market. I can only imagine what those with less than me are experiencing. It truly baffles me. Truly. What is a person supposed to do to survive? ...and that's a particularly sad question, because aren't we supposed to be more concerned with THRIVING? But, instead, we concentrating on SURVIVING. ...and it goes beyond John McCain's housing lapse. Because you know that Bush and Cheney...and all the other cronies have made just as much money over the last eight years through manipulating the system to their favor. It is a tragic situation...that continually breeds frustration, distrust in government, animosity, and apathy among the masses.
These feelings are very real to the majority of Americans. So, Democrats, SAY THAT...and you don't have to be so polite about expressing this sentiment, either. You do not want "regular folk" to miss your point. Trust me, if you can connect with Americans on these real issues...then the White House will be yours. Make it plain! We have been duped by Bush-McCain Republicans...we have manipulated by color-coded terror alerts...we have been misled into supporting wars of "profit for the few"...we have been prostituted...we have been lied to...we have been abused....we have been incarcerated...we have been cheated out of the wealth that America has gained. Make it plain! Make it plain! Make it plain!
Barack, assume the position of the warrior...and we will fight to get you to the White House...and keep you there! Assume the position of the triumphant Muhammad Ali poster that hangs behind your Senate office desk! Assume the position of the President who will aggressively shape America into the country that is SHOULD be instead of the place that it is. We have too hungry to accpet anything less.
God Bless....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hill & Bill: The Clinton Factor
People like Hillary Clinton!
This is obvious based on crowd reaction during her speech last night, and the reaction of the punditry as well. I both enjoyed and appreciated the fact that it was a TACTICALLY sound speech. She illustrated a sincere disengagement from the politics of the McCain campaign; she was clear about her unwillingness to be used as a pawn by the McCain campaign to draw votes away from Senator Obama. Her acknowledgement of the hard work of her campaigners, her acknowledgement of Susan B. Anthony (and the Seneca Falls Convention), and her reference to Harriet Tubman, signaled a Senator who understood her contribution to American History. ...and at the same time, she expressed her unwavering support for Senator Barack Obama. This was the magic of Hillary Clinton's address!
People like Bill Clinton!
Yes, Bill is still a favorite among the electorate. He is still regarded as one of the better presidents of the late 20th century. ...and yes, Black people still like Bill. As an African American, myself, I did not feel betrayed by Bill during primary season. I feel that he was victimized by the mass media....hungry for a dramatic story. His linking Obama's campaign to that of Jesse Jackson's campaign in South Carolina was not racist...and I believe the media played racism up. Honestly, I don't remember what his remarks were...but I know that as I watched them, I didn't feel anything racially disparging was being said.
Now, are there some pride issues at play between the former President and the newcomer (Barack Obama). I'm sure it might be. I heard two radio pundits suggest that some "Alpha Male" issues were at play. I believe this to be true. But, Bill Clinton will prove himself to be an even more stellar public figure if he is able to tap into that charisma...and deliever the speech no one believes he can. Personally, I enjoy his speech making abilities more than I enjoy Hillary' if he can conjure up the 1990s swagger that coaxed the American people into falling in love with him....he'll not only do the Democratic party a favor...but the Clinton legacy a favor as well. Sure, it tough....and pride will have to be put to the side...but it is achieveable. ...and I believe he can do it.
This is obvious based on crowd reaction during her speech last night, and the reaction of the punditry as well. I both enjoyed and appreciated the fact that it was a TACTICALLY sound speech. She illustrated a sincere disengagement from the politics of the McCain campaign; she was clear about her unwillingness to be used as a pawn by the McCain campaign to draw votes away from Senator Obama. Her acknowledgement of the hard work of her campaigners, her acknowledgement of Susan B. Anthony (and the Seneca Falls Convention), and her reference to Harriet Tubman, signaled a Senator who understood her contribution to American History. ...and at the same time, she expressed her unwavering support for Senator Barack Obama. This was the magic of Hillary Clinton's address!
People like Bill Clinton!
Yes, Bill is still a favorite among the electorate. He is still regarded as one of the better presidents of the late 20th century. ...and yes, Black people still like Bill. As an African American, myself, I did not feel betrayed by Bill during primary season. I feel that he was victimized by the mass media....hungry for a dramatic story. His linking Obama's campaign to that of Jesse Jackson's campaign in South Carolina was not racist...and I believe the media played racism up. Honestly, I don't remember what his remarks were...but I know that as I watched them, I didn't feel anything racially disparging was being said.
Now, are there some pride issues at play between the former President and the newcomer (Barack Obama). I'm sure it might be. I heard two radio pundits suggest that some "Alpha Male" issues were at play. I believe this to be true. But, Bill Clinton will prove himself to be an even more stellar public figure if he is able to tap into that charisma...and deliever the speech no one believes he can. Personally, I enjoy his speech making abilities more than I enjoy Hillary' if he can conjure up the 1990s swagger that coaxed the American people into falling in love with him....he'll not only do the Democratic party a favor...but the Clinton legacy a favor as well. Sure, it tough....and pride will have to be put to the side...but it is achieveable. ...and I believe he can do it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
DNC Convention Time!
Okay GoodPeople,
It's time to get this party started! ...and by the way, let's have's a joyous occasion, regardless of what the Republicans and the critics have to say.
The Number #1 reason to celebrate with absolute fervor is that this convention will be of historical magnitude! Senator Barack Obama, who has already made history in a number of ways, will address yet another arena-sized audience who is eager to hear more about a "different type of politics." No matter how the Republicans try to spin his ability to draw large crowds as a weakness...please "party-goers" rest asssured that if John McCain was able to do so, he would! ...and besides what do the large crowds symbolize? An intelligent person would beyond Obama's oratory...and find that Americans are actually hungry for sincerity and relief from the "trickle-down" economic policies of the wealthy.
The Number #2 reason to party all night long is to witness the maturity and commitment of Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton. I believe that Senator Clinton will illustrate a strong and sincere commitment to the policies of the Obama Administration. I do not believe she is as involved with factions like "PUMA" (Party Unification My Ass) as the media might lead you to believe. During the primary season, Senator Obama pledged that she would be instrumental in his Healthcare Adminstration and I believe that there are other avenues for her to participate with dignity and comfort.
Reason #3: Joe Biden is the perfect co-host! He provides the perfect compliment to Barack Obama. He is seasoned, experienced with insider-politics, and a bit more unadulterated in his rhetoric. What you have in the leadership of Obama & Biden is a dialectical tension. As a rhetorical scholar, I understand that some of the best things are created from dialectics; rhetoric/language being one of them. Obama does not have a "yes-man" in Biden nor does he have a philosophical twin. (That in itself is quite refreshing when you consider the Bush/Cheney team and all of its cronies.) In Obama/Biden you have two men who will be honest with each other, and America, in the way in which they govern this country.
I'm looking forward to 1.) Michelle Obama's speech, 2.) Hillary and Bill's speeches, 3.) and, of course, Barack Obama's address (Thursday). I'll be providing commentary on a whole hosts of issues (media coverage, race, economics, "change", global perspectives, elitism).
Stay tuned....
It's time to get this party started! ...and by the way, let's have's a joyous occasion, regardless of what the Republicans and the critics have to say.
The Number #1 reason to celebrate with absolute fervor is that this convention will be of historical magnitude! Senator Barack Obama, who has already made history in a number of ways, will address yet another arena-sized audience who is eager to hear more about a "different type of politics." No matter how the Republicans try to spin his ability to draw large crowds as a weakness...please "party-goers" rest asssured that if John McCain was able to do so, he would! ...and besides what do the large crowds symbolize? An intelligent person would beyond Obama's oratory...and find that Americans are actually hungry for sincerity and relief from the "trickle-down" economic policies of the wealthy.
The Number #2 reason to party all night long is to witness the maturity and commitment of Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton. I believe that Senator Clinton will illustrate a strong and sincere commitment to the policies of the Obama Administration. I do not believe she is as involved with factions like "PUMA" (Party Unification My Ass) as the media might lead you to believe. During the primary season, Senator Obama pledged that she would be instrumental in his Healthcare Adminstration and I believe that there are other avenues for her to participate with dignity and comfort.
Reason #3: Joe Biden is the perfect co-host! He provides the perfect compliment to Barack Obama. He is seasoned, experienced with insider-politics, and a bit more unadulterated in his rhetoric. What you have in the leadership of Obama & Biden is a dialectical tension. As a rhetorical scholar, I understand that some of the best things are created from dialectics; rhetoric/language being one of them. Obama does not have a "yes-man" in Biden nor does he have a philosophical twin. (That in itself is quite refreshing when you consider the Bush/Cheney team and all of its cronies.) In Obama/Biden you have two men who will be honest with each other, and America, in the way in which they govern this country.
I'm looking forward to 1.) Michelle Obama's speech, 2.) Hillary and Bill's speeches, 3.) and, of course, Barack Obama's address (Thursday). I'll be providing commentary on a whole hosts of issues (media coverage, race, economics, "change", global perspectives, elitism).
Stay tuned....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Joe Biden! Obama Knows What He's Doing...
Joe Biden provides Barack Obama with utility that not many in the U.S. Senate could! (1) He will give Obama the constituency that Clinton owned during the primary season; (2) Biden can also provide the pragmatic information that Obama will need to affect change; and my most favorite, (3) Obama is operating in accordance to the Laws of Power. Please go back and examine Law #45 (Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once.)
I must admit, before the marriage scandal, I was a guy that was all for John Edwards as Veep. But, you know, I think I like this combination much better.
Chris Matthews relays my feelings about Obama the best...
I must admit, before the marriage scandal, I was a guy that was all for John Edwards as Veep. But, you know, I think I like this combination much better.
Chris Matthews relays my feelings about Obama the best...
Friday, August 22, 2008
Eltism won't Work, John...
Well, let's see what new Republican "attack" strategy against Barack Obama will be. Because obviously, the one Clinton used, "elitism," will not work well for McCain. The McCain "house problem" has seemed to put a dent in his attempts to paint Obama as an elitist. My assumption is that he (or his surrogates) will have to come a bit closer to the Conservative tradition and utilize some "Jerome Corsi, Bill O'Reilly, Shawn Hannity" type methods. This is what I suspect will happen before the campaign is over. I'd put money on that.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
SaddleBack Civil Forum
Because of the nature of this forum, I want to be a Civil as I can possibly be in my commentary.
Like the CNN correspondents that provided analysis post-forum, I believe there were stark differences between the ways in which the candidates handled the questions and presented themselves. Unlike the CNN correspondents, I do not believe John McCain did as well as Bararck Obama.
One of the centerpieces of Christianity is humility. In my understanding of Christianity, Jesus Christ was a noble, strong, virtuous, and authorative in His tone. But, one of Christ's central assets was his consistent humility. To a very large degree, His entire life and struggle with Man was based on exercising humility even when a more arrogant approach could have saved Him much psychological pain, spirtual pain, physical pain, and hearthache. Tonight, Barack Obama showed humility. His conversation was directed at Pastor Rick Warren. He answered these questions with trepidation and intelliegence. He came across as a man who exercises self-reflexivity.
A major network pundit failed to mention this, but with all the fuss about Obama's religious affiliation, he quoted Matthew's version of the gospel by referring to assisting "the least of these." McCain offered no biblical references the entire evening. Of much lesser importance to me (but seemed to cause a major stir earlier this year), Obama wore his flagpin...McCain did not.
When John McCain took the stage, I felt as if I was listening to yet another stump speech. McCain just seemed a bit more self-righteous. As a viewer, I felt like I was in a church during Obama's hour. I felt like I was in a political arena during McCain's hour.
Like the CNN correspondents that provided analysis post-forum, I believe there were stark differences between the ways in which the candidates handled the questions and presented themselves. Unlike the CNN correspondents, I do not believe John McCain did as well as Bararck Obama.
One of the centerpieces of Christianity is humility. In my understanding of Christianity, Jesus Christ was a noble, strong, virtuous, and authorative in His tone. But, one of Christ's central assets was his consistent humility. To a very large degree, His entire life and struggle with Man was based on exercising humility even when a more arrogant approach could have saved Him much psychological pain, spirtual pain, physical pain, and hearthache. Tonight, Barack Obama showed humility. His conversation was directed at Pastor Rick Warren. He answered these questions with trepidation and intelliegence. He came across as a man who exercises self-reflexivity.
A major network pundit failed to mention this, but with all the fuss about Obama's religious affiliation, he quoted Matthew's version of the gospel by referring to assisting "the least of these." McCain offered no biblical references the entire evening. Of much lesser importance to me (but seemed to cause a major stir earlier this year), Obama wore his flagpin...McCain did not.
When John McCain took the stage, I felt as if I was listening to yet another stump speech. McCain just seemed a bit more self-righteous. As a viewer, I felt like I was in a church during Obama's hour. I felt like I was in a political arena during McCain's hour.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Good Day, World!
This is my very first blog...and I must say...."I am happy to be here." I am looking forward to expressing my opinions on a range of issues that I excite me on both personal and professional levels. I believe it is important for fellow bloggers to know my emotional state at this particular point in time. I am mad. I am upset. I am sincerely disgruntle about the state of affairs in the world at a macro-level. These national and global affairs are affecting me in an uniquely negative fashion at a micro-level....and have been doing an intense way for the last eight years.
I can not be EXACTLY sure that the policies of George W. Bush have a large part to do with my day-to-day stresses...but I believe there's a strong possibility this might be the case. I guess this would be a good time to inform everyone that I'm a political-type of guy. ...and it's not that I long to be a politician, but I DO believe Sun Tzu, Bob Marley, and Tupac Shakur were on to something when they declared, "It's all political." Almost everything is political. The argument can be made that politics rules the world. Murray Edelman (1988) would most likely inform me that George Bush is just spectacle, figurehead, scapegoat... Cool... no problem... That actually makes me feel better about railing against him and his conservative agenda. I don't know about you guys...but I'm a fan of Barack Obama...and I can't wait for him to get into the White House. The World wants change...and American NEEDS change. ...and Barack's just the man for the job.
...but there will also be plenty of time for those discussions as well...
Because this is my first blog, it is also a good time to inform you all that I'm a representative of the ghettoGEEKS movement. In due time, you will have access to that blogspot through this one. ghettoGEEKS is a collection of erudites who believe in viewing society through veritas. Notice that I did not say through "rose-colored lenses," "conservative lenses," "liberal lenses," or any other bullshit label that "doctors of spin" would like to utilize. ghettoGEEKS is a collection of individuals who understand oppression from a first-hand point of view. These individuals did not go to school and pick up literature that explains oppression and "ghettoization." These are individuals who have such a robust experience with the "ghetto" that they can write books on the topic. In the same instance, they also understand, through first-hand experience, facets and experiences of the academy. They are simulataneously "the intelligentsia." They understand the rigors of formal education, and the responsibility, discipline, and creativity that allows one to acheive success within systems of education ranging from high schools to universities. We are the epitome of "organic intellectuals."
That's all for now....please stay tuned for wonderful ideas, discussions, arguments, etc. I look forward to sharing with you all.
This is my very first blog...and I must say...."I am happy to be here." I am looking forward to expressing my opinions on a range of issues that I excite me on both personal and professional levels. I believe it is important for fellow bloggers to know my emotional state at this particular point in time. I am mad. I am upset. I am sincerely disgruntle about the state of affairs in the world at a macro-level. These national and global affairs are affecting me in an uniquely negative fashion at a micro-level....and have been doing an intense way for the last eight years.
I can not be EXACTLY sure that the policies of George W. Bush have a large part to do with my day-to-day stresses...but I believe there's a strong possibility this might be the case. I guess this would be a good time to inform everyone that I'm a political-type of guy. ...and it's not that I long to be a politician, but I DO believe Sun Tzu, Bob Marley, and Tupac Shakur were on to something when they declared, "It's all political." Almost everything is political. The argument can be made that politics rules the world. Murray Edelman (1988) would most likely inform me that George Bush is just spectacle, figurehead, scapegoat... Cool... no problem... That actually makes me feel better about railing against him and his conservative agenda. I don't know about you guys...but I'm a fan of Barack Obama...and I can't wait for him to get into the White House. The World wants change...and American NEEDS change. ...and Barack's just the man for the job.
...but there will also be plenty of time for those discussions as well...
Because this is my first blog, it is also a good time to inform you all that I'm a representative of the ghettoGEEKS movement. In due time, you will have access to that blogspot through this one. ghettoGEEKS is a collection of erudites who believe in viewing society through veritas. Notice that I did not say through "rose-colored lenses," "conservative lenses," "liberal lenses," or any other bullshit label that "doctors of spin" would like to utilize. ghettoGEEKS is a collection of individuals who understand oppression from a first-hand point of view. These individuals did not go to school and pick up literature that explains oppression and "ghettoization." These are individuals who have such a robust experience with the "ghetto" that they can write books on the topic. In the same instance, they also understand, through first-hand experience, facets and experiences of the academy. They are simulataneously "the intelligentsia." They understand the rigors of formal education, and the responsibility, discipline, and creativity that allows one to acheive success within systems of education ranging from high schools to universities. We are the epitome of "organic intellectuals."
That's all for now....please stay tuned for wonderful ideas, discussions, arguments, etc. I look forward to sharing with you all.
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