Saturday, August 16, 2008

SaddleBack Civil Forum

Because of the nature of this forum, I want to be a Civil as I can possibly be in my commentary.

Like the CNN correspondents that provided analysis post-forum, I believe there were stark differences between the ways in which the candidates handled the questions and presented themselves. Unlike the CNN correspondents, I do not believe John McCain did as well as Bararck Obama.

One of the centerpieces of Christianity is humility. In my understanding of Christianity, Jesus Christ was a noble, strong, virtuous, and authorative in His tone. But, one of Christ's central assets was his consistent humility. To a very large degree, His entire life and struggle with Man was based on exercising humility even when a more arrogant approach could have saved Him much psychological pain, spirtual pain, physical pain, and hearthache. Tonight, Barack Obama showed humility. His conversation was directed at Pastor Rick Warren. He answered these questions with trepidation and intelliegence. He came across as a man who exercises self-reflexivity.

A major network pundit failed to mention this, but with all the fuss about Obama's religious affiliation, he quoted Matthew's version of the gospel by referring to assisting "the least of these." McCain offered no biblical references the entire evening. Of much lesser importance to me (but seemed to cause a major stir earlier this year), Obama wore his flagpin...McCain did not.

When John McCain took the stage, I felt as if I was listening to yet another stump speech. McCain just seemed a bit more self-righteous. As a viewer, I felt like I was in a church during Obama's hour. I felt like I was in a political arena during McCain's hour.

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